Success Stories
We’ve helped over 1.5 million people
Quit Tobacco For Good.
Explore Their Success Stories.
90% of successful long-term tobacco quitters use a combination of nicotine replacement therapy medications & support coaching.
Nearly 50 million adults have quit tobacco. And many experienced fears and challenges, just like you. Read the stories of people who decided to quit and find out how their lives look now, tobacco free. If they can do it, you can too!

Adding Love and Support to Nicotine Replacement Therapy
Nicotine replacement therapy (like gum and patches) works best when you combine it with a plan and coaching support for your quit journey. Here’s how Dorine used different types of help to quit tobacco.

Catching My Breath
Long-term smoking can cause coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath (among other symptoms). This was one of the main reasons that Mary quit.

Cold Turkey Wasn't Cutting It
Quitting tobacco cold turkey on your own works for some—but not for Shawn. Here’s how he quit with support and structure.

Good People Helped Me Quit
I quit with help of good people, and this program one of the best things I have ever done.

Helping My Family Avoid COPD
COPD is a serious lung disease, and the third leading cause of death in the United States. Eight out 10 people who die from COPD have smoked. Geri developed COPD—and didn’t want her children to have it too. Here’s how she quit smoking to set a good example.

I Treated Myself to Health
Tobacco can feel like a pleasure you allow yourself. But it robs you of your health. Here’s how Marie changed how she thought about cigarettes—and how she found out that the real “treat” was life without them.

Quitting For my Baby
Quitting tobacco during pregnancy and remaining quit after giving birth can be really challenging. This is how Jesi Marie did it.

Quitting for My Grandchildren's Safety
Smoking around children puts them at higher risk of having bronchitis, pneumonia, severe asthma attacks, ear infections, and even SIDS. See how Betty quit smoking so she could spend time with her grandchildren without risking their health.
Join Our Program At Anytime
It only takes five minutes to start a new chapter in your quitting journey
Program FAQs
Thinking about enrolling in the Quitline? Here are answers to common questions about cost, coaching and other aspects of the program.
The Quitline is free to participants. Your public health department, health plan or employer pays the program costs. If you choose to use nicotine quit medications, such as nicotine gum or patches, you may be eligible to receive 2 weeks or more for free. After that, there may be a cost for medication. When you enroll in the Quitline program, we'll help you work through these details.
You may be eligible to receive the first 2 weeks of quit medication for free. After that, you may be eligible for additional free quit medication through the Quitline based on your health plan and employer. Enroll in the program to learn more.
We offer an Online Only program with our website and other online materials. However, research shows people who use coaching are more likely to successfully quit. Completing even a few calls with a quit coach could make a difference for you. Learn more about the Quitline programs.
Enroll today—it’s easy and takes less than 5 minutes! You can enroll online, or if you'd like to speak to someone to get more information, call 1-800-QUIT-NOW. You can use the Quitline more than one time, so there is no harm in enrolling as soon as you feel ready.