Iowa 3.0 / About Quitting / Success Stories / Adding Love and Support to Nicotine Replacement

Adding Love and

Support to Nicotine

Replacement Therapy

“When I called the quitline a couple of months ago to break my two-pack-a-day habit, I felt really frustrated. I'd tried all the nicotine replacement therapies and different quit smoking medications with no success. To put it bluntly, nothing worked.One thing I hadn't really tried was getting together a strong support network and making a plan. During my first coaching session, I worked with my coach to map out specific strategies, like delaying the first cigarette I smoked in the morning. My quit plan also included being more open with the people around me about my decision to quit. I even began developing coping strategies like journaling and walking to handle anger and stress, my two biggest triggers for smoking.A month later, I’m off cigarettes and I don't miss them. I'd been a slave to those cancer sticks way too long. What a waste of time. I love breathing without hacking and coughing. I'm feeling better overall, and eating healthier by snacking on carrots and celery, along with lots of fruit and water. I'll do what I need to do to stay quit. My next goal is to support my daughters in quitting smoking!”
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Program FAQs
Thinking about enrolling in the Quitline? Here are answers to common questions about cost, coaching and other aspects of the program.

The Quitline is free to participants. Your public health department, health plan or employer pays the program costs. If you choose to use nicotine quit medications, such as nicotine gum or patches, you may be eligible to receive 2 weeks or more for free. After that, there may be a cost for medication. When you enroll in the Quitline program, we'll help you work through these details.

You may be eligible to receive the first 2 weeks of quit medication for free. After that, you may be eligible for additional free quit medication through the Quitline based on your health plan and employer. Enroll in the program to learn more.

We offer an Online Only program with our website and other online materials. However, research shows people who use coaching are more likely to successfully quit. Completing even a few calls with a quit coach could make a difference for you. Learn more about the Quitline programs.

Enroll today—it’s easy and takes less than 5 minutes! You can enroll online, or if you'd like to speak to someone to get more information, call 1-800-QUIT-NOW. You can use the Quitline more than one time, so there is no harm in enrolling as soon as you feel ready.